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Which sex addiction group is for you?

If you were unaware, like I was, there are multiple different sex addiction groups. So if you are having trouble with that area of your life you might want to check one of the many groups dedicated to helping you recover. But which one, right? Well that is why we are here. We can help you figure out which sex addiction group is for you.

First, there is Sexaholics Anonymous. Sexaholics Anonymous is the probably the most strict out of all the different sex addiction groups. It is also probably the most fundamentalist and conservative of all the sex addiction groups. Many of the members of sexaholics anonymous are also religious. Serious problems like pedophilia or incessant buying of prostitutes are the main concern at sexaholics anonymous. Other behaviors such as onanism, sadomasochism, sodomy, and a liking for gang bangs are also addressed. Sexual sobriety is defined not only as abstinence from all these behaviors but also as progressing victory over lust. The only acceptable expression of sexual impulses is through very vanilla and heterosexual relations with one’s legally recognized spouse. Meaning man and wife, missionary style, as said by the Holy Bible. Homosexual members are welcome but they have to commit to a life of celibacy.

If this doesn’t sound like the sex addiction group for you could try out Sexual Recovery Anonymous. This sex addiction group began around 1993. Sexual Recovery Anonymous is still pretty strict and still tries to uphold the ideals of marriage, family and the establishment. The mix of people at SRA is more diverse though. This sex addiction group has a strong female presence, a lot of African Americans, Asians and members of LGBT community. The talk is usually of inner children, mom and dad, incest, trauma, and therapy lingo. Higher powers are usually in the Buddhist, New Age, Yoga kind of frame.

Sex Addicts Anonymous is a serious sex addiction group that is well known for its Green Book. A distinguishing feature of SAA is the central importance of its “Three Circles” concept, which every member is encouraged to use as a tool to maintain sobriety. The Inner Circle contains all bottom-line behaviors that characterize your sexual addiction, including masturbation, prostitution, cruising, infidelity, leather bars, autoerotic asphyxia, glory holes, stalking, exhibitionism, child pornography, rape and so forth. The Middle Circle contains all those behaviors considered a grey area, to be monitored with the help of a sponsor. Obvious examples here include fantasy, objectification, euphoric recall, ritualization, preoccupation and any non-pornographic provocative images. The word “intrigue” has special meaning here—defined as lusting, flirting or taking a sexual interest in someone. The Outer Circle is where you would place all your top-line behaviors, those activities that cement your sobriety and affirm a healthy, happy life.

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is where there is no definition already placed on what sexually sober means. However you choose to define your sobriety will work in this group. Where the other three groups are very strict, this group is loose. I actually refer clients who are being treated for Sex Addiction in my Infidelity Recovery Program to these groups because they are loose and people can fit in as they please. Check out their site

Sexual Compulsives Anonymous is a place MEN to talk about high risk sexual encounters such as engaging in unprotected anal and oral sex despite the probability of contracting HIV. It also is a place to talk about arrangements typically found in bath houses, sex clubs, rest stops, bus stations, public urinals, and even Craigslist. And in opposition to no longer engaging in these behaviors they just change them usually into something as simple as masturbating in front of a computer.

So which sex addiction group is right for you? No one can know but you. If none of these work for you, you could try out AA or NA which usually can work for a whole slew of addicted behaviors.