Views: 36

I actually had to stop myself from crying when I watched this video. Children are SO effected by divorce. It is one of the reasons as to why I am so passionate about helping couples fight for their relationship after infidelity.

You must understand, that a child cannot express his/her feelings. I will let the video speak for itself.

Sometimes, a divorce is the best option. Not all couples should be together. In these cases, the children are much better living in an environment with “Happy” parents (this view is supported by research).

My advice:

The best way to encourage communication with children, is by having a Weekly Family Meeting.

The child may not say anything for the first few meetings, but then get ready for it! My clients who hold family meetings with their children report their children get totally involved, taking minutes, coming prepared with items to talk about, and best of all, they share their feelings.

Questions, comments, concerns?