How to give your partner space in your monogamous relationship

How to give your partner space in your monogamous relationship

Views: 33A recent issue of Psychological Inquiry provided a number of scientific articles about the current state of monogamy and marriage. One paper in particular outlined how most of us are guilty of psychologically and emotionally suffocating our romantic partners...
What Makes A Great Relationship?

What Makes A Great Relationship?

Views: 31  What Makes A Great Relationship?   Hi Savannah, Craig and I have attended one of your Prepare Enrich Seminars, and plan to marry next fall. Could you tell us what makes a marriage last? Thanks, Susan, Sydney.   Hi Susan, Thank you for...

Which sex addiction group is for you?

Views: 32If you were unaware, like I was, there are multiple different sex addiction groups. So if you are having trouble with that area of your life you might want to check one of the many groups dedicated to helping you recover. But which one, right? Well that is...