Handling Your Partner’s Anger

Views: 72How can you cope with an anger partner? Important relationship advice during affair recovery. Stay calm – Don’t get into a screaming match. If your partner gets ‘overheated,’ explain that you will be willing to talk with him/her. But, right now, tempers...

Cheating Partners: Beware of All Travel

Views: 38Traveling becomes important in an affair because it is the only time when lovers can spend long amounts of time together without interruption. It means they can get out of town and live like a normal couple without the risk of being seen by someone they know....

You don’t touch anymore?

Views: 25This is a question I often ask couples. They respond with a surprised, and sometimes embarrassed look, before the automatic response of excuses start…. “The Kids….” “Not enough time….” “I am exhausted after...