How to help your child when you are going through a divorce

How to help your child when you are going through a divorce

Views: 61What you can do to help your child deal with divorce Different kids deal with divorce differently. Some kids saw the divorce coming for years and feel relief when it finally happens. Other kids feel confused by the divorce and hold out hope that their parents...
Voice of the Child of Divorce

Voice of the Child of Divorce

Views: 39I actually had to stop myself from crying when I watched this video. Children are SO effected by divorce. It is one of the reasons as to why I am so passionate about helping couples fight for their relationship after infidelity. You must understand, that a...

Online 7 Step Affair Recovery Course

Views: 46Online Version for couples This program is intended for couples who are currently experiencing the trauma of an extra martial affair, or a relationship infidelity. So much is at stake right now: *Your Relationship *Your children’s happiness & security...

Cheating Myth #1

Views: 27Myth #1 If someone has an affair, his or her marriage is over. For those who have not experienced unfaithfulness in their relationships, it’s hard to image enduring the pain. The idea of waking up every morning next to the person who has hurt you so...