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The number of people supposedly in committed monogamous relationships, who are creating secret dating site profiles, to allow them to meet people on dating or social media sites is on the increase. The problem is that with so many dating sites available (there seems to be a different one popping up every five minutes), the likelihood of catching your partner cheating on line is becoming less and less likely. By changing just a few details and maybe using somebody else’s photograph, or no photograph at all, finding out the truth as to whether your partner is being unfaithful on a dating site by searching through sites is almost impossible.

It is probable that a large number of individuals who are being cheated on by unfaithful partners fail to realise that they may not be the only victim of their partner’s infidelity through online sites. Men and women on dating sites frequently encounter (and sometimes even fall in love with) someone who could be considered a suitable companion or even their future life partner, but who, unknown to them, are already married or for other reasons are emotionally unavailable. More and more of these individuals are checking out the person they have met, prior to getting too involved with that person. Some are making the wise decision of registering the person with an online cheater checking service.

If you think your partner may secretly be on dating sites and cheating on you, register them with; they will search their data base and inform you within 24 hours if they are matched with somebody else who has registered their partner/potential partner. The sites investigators will continue to monitor the details of your registered person every 24 hours, to ascertain if new people registered are a match and are linked via a romantic relationship with someone else. If the sites investigators find evidence of cheating or infidelity, they inform their clients discreetly and confidentially through the site.

What people do with that information is a matter for the individuals concerned. If both parties so wish, the site investigators can even put cheated parties in contact with each other, so they can confirm the match and compare experiences.

Registering your partner is safe, secure and simple; they will never know they have been registered, under investigation or being monitored at any point in the process.

NB: Research involving more than one million online dating profiles partly financed by the National Science Foundation found that 81% of people misrepresent their height, weight age or marital status, in their profiles.

Another survey indicated that 1 in 10 dating site profiles is completely fake and was romance scams designed, ultimately, to obtain money or sensitive personal information from their victims to commit identity fraud or deception. is operated by trusted ex London Scotland Yard detectives trained in the investigation of fraud and infidelity

By Guest Blogger : Kim Tuffin