Is my partner cheating on Dating sites?

Views: 4055The number of people supposedly in committed monogamous relationships, who are creating secret dating site profiles, to allow them to meet people on dating or social media sites is on the increase. The problem is that with so many dating sites available...

Sexting In The workplace?

Views: 76If you have been reading any of my content for any period of time, you will have heard me say 1000 times….”Affairs most commonly start in the workplace, or with people whom you spend significant time with….” So what can happen to...

How to Handle Acute Anxiety Attack Symptoms

Views: 34Millions of people suffer from General Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, or other forms of psychological disorder which are characterized by anxiety or panic attacks. Anxiety attack symptoms are incredibly uncomfortable. These attacks are well-known for being...

Bullying and Toxic Relationships

Views: 92Do any of the following situations sound familiar to you?   Your friend, coworker, or partner uses threats of violence to manipulate your behavior.   Your friend, coworker, or partner constantly belittles you and your choices, insists that your...