What is a Personality Disorder?

Views: 39According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V, Revised Edition (American Psychological Association, 2013), Personality disorders are associated with ways of thinking and feeling about oneself and others that significantly and adversely affect how an...

Online 7 Step Affair Recovery Course

Views: 34Online Version for couples This program is intended for couples who are currently experiencing the trauma of an extra martial affair, or a relationship infidelity. So much is at stake right now: *Your Relationship *Your children’s happiness & security...

How To Improve Your Communication Skills

Views: 36How to Improve Communication Skills In this video I’ll share with you an important technique for how to improve communication with your partner. Communication skills are at the heart of relationships, and active listening can make the difference between...

Why Narcissitic Relationships Make You Feel Crazy!

Views: 28  CLIENT: “Savannah, I did every thing I could to save my marriage. But my wife said that I had not provided for her and the children, that I was a poor lover, and that she deserved better. She said I needed help. Savannah, what is wrong with...