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The causes of infidelity are complex and varied. Affairs can occur in happy marriages as well as in troubled ones. Here we look at the various affair types and provide a basic treatment strategy for that affair type.

Two additional affair types are:

Emotional affairs

Emotional affairs, which do not include sexual contact, are also affairs. Although the dynamics are similar, the lack of an overtly sexual component means that the volatility and sense of betrayal is substantially less.

For example, I have found men to be more forgiving if the wife had an emotional affair, over a sexual affair. The sad reality is, that it is more difficult for a women to end an emotional affair over a sexual liaison. Emotional affairs are sexual affairs in the making. I choose to treat and classify emotional affairs, with the affair message they are sending.

The most threatening aspect is not the affair it’s self, but the dishonesty that it casts out over the entire relationship.

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Financial Infidelity

Though it is not quite as serious as being with another person, financial infidelity can cause similar issues in regards to trust. Not only do you have to work through this aspect of the relationship, you usually have to work to get out of a financial mess that happened as a result of the financial infidelity.

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