Are You A Conversational Narcissist?

Are You A Conversational Narcissist?

Visits: 13  This week, I met up with an old friend I hadn’t seen in forever to have lunch. Having both read and written about how to be an effective and charismatic conversationalist, I followed the old dictum of listening more than talking and asking the other...
Take a Time Out to Calm Down

Take a Time Out to Calm Down

Visits: 0Some conflicts become heated as levels of anger and frustration rise. Rather than speaking assertively, partners begin to accuse, criticize, or yell. Rather than listening actively, partners interrupt, belittle, and ignore. Physiologically, the “fight or...
How does my Attachment Style effect my Love Life?

How does my Attachment Style effect my Love Life?

Visits: 0Imagine that you’re an infant monkey, and you’ve just been thrown into a cage after several hours in isolation. You’ve been deprived of food, so you’re starving. Facing you are two adult-looking (fake) monkeys, designed to look like...

Computer Spying: How to Investigate Web Browser History

Visits: 0With the advent of the internet, infidelity in the virtual realm has become a major problem in relationships for both partners. The increased ease of infidelity has tempted men and women alike into the darker realms of internet chat rooms and pornography...
The Exit Affair

The Exit Affair

Visits: 7The Exit Affair AKA: Out The Door Affair    MESSAGE: Finally it’s my turn    ABOUT: Exiters are Conflict Avoiders at heart, but they take it further. One spouse has already decided to leave the marriage and the affair provides the justification. The...